Is it posible to have an art exhibition without the physical Works of art? What other kind of experiences can a digitally exhibited work of art provide?
History has taught us that the irruption of a new technology produces profound transformations at all levels. The explotion of images and digital relationships which we are inmersed in every day is causing changes in the world of art, museums and exhibitions.
The aim of the exhibition is to reflect on how the digital revolution has impacted the way of becoming familiar with art, its physical and sensory limits, its almost ubiquitous possibilities of reproducibility, and the fragility of certain traditional criteria and values. The Project trascends the space/time framework, with one of its strong points being simultaneity. Visitors from Madrid, Mexico city, Bogotá, Lima, Quito, Mar de Plata, Santiago de Chile and Montevideo will be able to enjoy the digital experiences base don the selected artists and share and Exchange their impressions in real time through the Intangible World Map, specifically designed for the exhibition.